Stop Scrolling, Start Sewing

Quilt Shows

Nicole Gilbert Episode 60

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Hi there, I'm Nicole Gilbert and you've joined the stop scrolling start sewing podcast. Are you new to sewing and want to start quilting but have no idea where to begin? Each Wednesday? Join me as I share the ins and outs of that quote like, if you don't have a sewing machine, have no idea how much fat was made, or you're just trying to figure out where the heck to stick that bobbin This is the podcast for you. Hey folks, Nicole here and welcome to Episode 60 of the stop scrolling start sewing podcast. Today, we are chatting all about cool shows. But first, a quick reminder. Before we dive in, I just wanted to drop a quick reminder that our podcast thrives on reviews by amazing listeners like you. positive reviews allow this podcast to reach more new listeners, which in turn allows me to create more and more episodes. So head on over to wherever you listen to podcasts, and leave a review today. Okay, guys, so in the last episode, we chatted about quote retreats. And I had my little breakdown about quote market being canceled, which got all of you curious about what the heck happens at cult shows. So here we are chatting about cult shows. And don't you worry, I already booked my tickets to spring market and quilt con Phoenix. So let's get chatting about quilt shows. I love cultures. Now last week in the last episode, Episode 59. So if you haven't listened yet, you can go back and listen to that one. But Episode 59 I mentioned that quote market was cancelled. Now international quote Mark quote market is part of or the precursor to international quilt festival. Now international quilt festival is an amazing quilt show, open to all quilters. And it's so informative. There's so many wonderful classes to take so many amazing designers and company owners to meet. And just I mean the shopping is unreal. But it's pretty great. Now quilt market happens the week before quilt festival. And quilt market is like a quilt show, but only for people who work inside the industry. And I was really really excited to go and now I'm super pumped bummed that quilt market is cancelled. However international quilt festival is going on. So I am a little later in the show going to kind of break down some of the biggest quilt shows that you might come across. So if you're interested in attending, keep an ear out. Alright, so let's get started with what exactly is a quilt show. A quilt show is like a convention for quilters. So there is all sorts of things at a club show. There's usually a very large gallery of finished quilts. And you will be blown away by what some of your fellow quilters are making. Because I mean quilting is an art. And in the gallery you will find just the most beautiful quilts that you've ever seen new techniques that you didn't know about that you're just like, Oh my gosh, now I must try it. Now, different types of actual quote styles. There's usually some sort of cultural inflection or theme from pop culture to reproduction. I mean, the list goes on and on and on of what it can be inspired by, I want to say in 2019 the gallery had at international quilt festival had quilts and then cosplay costumes that went with it. Like really cool. So there was like two different types of sewing so you had like really cool costume garment sewing happening. And then really cool quilt happening. And it was just really, I mean, I don't know how many times I could say really cool, but it was really cool. It was like epic level. But there will be a huge gallery for you to just kind of walk through and just be immersed in the art and and see how every, like all these different artists interpret with fabric. It's really worth seeing adequate show, it's probably my favorite part of a quote Well, there's also a lot of shopping. I'll get there in a minute. But it's probably my favorite part of a quilt show. Besides that, there's usually a bunch of lectures, adequate show and those lectures can include so many different things. You know, and lectures are just like lectures that you would get at like a quote Guild. So they're like 45 minutes to an hour. They're exploring all different topics, different techniques. And just different, different, just, oh my gosh, I'm trying to think of like, what I could to go from the top my head. So at the upcoming Phoenix, quote, calm, there's a lecture about quilting and indigenous peoples, which sounds just crazy enough to be like, amazingly interesting. There's one all about sushi go quilting. So the actual that stitch style, there's one about and I'm just like, rattling this off the top of my head. Now. There's a lot of at quakecon. There's a lot of like diversity, inclusion type things. At international quilt festival, there's a lot more of like very specific techniques. So there's English paper piecing, there's Foundation, paper piecing, there's, there's a lot of different lectures for pretty much everything you can possibly think of, there's probably a lecture for that. And so you can register to sit on all these different lectures. In addition to lectures, there's also workshops. So you can choose instead of sitting in on, you know, for different 45 minute lectures, you can go to a three or six hour workshop, that's just like a hands on workshop that you would take through your local quilt shop or quilt Guild. So you can actually physically sit down and learn a new technique or make a new project. And the really cool thing about quilt shows is, a lot of times and this will also depend on the scale of the quilt show itself. So like quilt con, international quilt festival, these are like the two biggest ones in the United States, they will have celebrity instructors. So you know, I learned to English paper piece from Tula pink. I know it was crazy. I like died went to heaven. But these are the types of things that you can experience at quilt shows. On top of that, there is a huge vendor section, just like any other convention, there's booths on putting booths upon booths of all different things, from fabric to patterns to sewing notions, interesting new gadgets, and all sorts of crazy things and rulers and thread. And like every company is represented. And it's really really cool. Some cool festivals even have like sewing machine dealers there. And so you can try out along our machine, you can try out the new Bernina does it that just hit the market. You can try all those things like right that it's, I'm, I just I just love quilt show so much guys. So that's kind of what a quilt show is. It's a huge convention with a gallery and vendors and learning opportunities. Okay, so pretty stinking cool. So how do you find a quilt show? So first, there's like four really big quilt shows in the United States. I mentioned quilt con and international quilt festival, quilt con moves. its annual it's and it's kind of late winter, early spring. This upcoming quilt con is in February, and it's being hosted in Phoenix, Arizona. I will be in attendance. So if you're planning on attending quilt con, shoot me an email Nicole at Nicole Gilbert I love meeting people at quilting festivals. It's a lot of fun. But I'll get to all of that in a minute. But so that's quote, com international quote festival happens twice a year, in the fall in October. It's always in Houston. That's the one that just got canceled and I'm super sad about well actually, quote, internet I have to keep keep putting this caveat. International quote festival is still on. So if you're interested in attending, it is the last week in October in Houston okay It is not canceled. What's canceled is the is the quoting professionals portion of it, that part is canceled. The regular international quilt festival is still going on. Okay. Then, in the spring, there's another iteration of it and that one moves. And so this upcoming year, so 2022, it will be in Salt Lake City in April. So keep that in mind, if you're interested in attending that one. Then there's the great Wisconsin quilt show, which is obviously, in Wisconsin. And then there's the world quilt show, which is in New England. And that one's also really cool. That one's kind of like a hybrid between international quilt festival and quilt con. So quilt con is actually the official quilt show of the modern quilters Guild. So it has definitely obviously a more modern flair to it, where the international quilt festival while there is definitely modern things there because they do encompass everything at international quilt festival, you will also be able to find more traditional aspects of quilting at international quilt festival. So keep that in mind, if you're thinking about maybe attending one, they do draw slightly different audience where the world quilt show kind of does a little bit of everything, which is kind of cool, too. And that one is in New England. So those are the four big ones. But I'm telling you, there are quilt shows everywhere, literally everywhere. If you Google how to find a quilt show, there are websites dedicated just to listing out all the cold shows. And usually there's like 50 of them happening at any given time, like not a day, obviously. But like if you will go to the website, there's usually about 50 that are listed either upcoming or in the not so distant future. And so there's an awesome one in Paducah, Kentucky. There's a great one in Atlanta. In trying to think a lot of different quote guilds will put together a quilt show on a my unlike a minor level, sometimes there's quite shows in a in addition to state fairs, because there isn't usually a large quilt submission portion of a state fair. So there can be quite shows attached to that. So there's all different scales, have them, those four, excuse me, that I use by name. Those are like big ones. But there's a lot of smaller ones available for you as well. You just have to go online and you can find them pretty easily. So what can you expect at a cultural one? Well, there's a lot of people who go in pairs with a friend. There's also a lot of people who go by themselves. I go by myself, I love quilting. I have a lot of friends in the industry. A lot of people I like to meet up with however, I don't have like a person to share a hotel room with eat, sleep and drink next to you know what I mean, I don't have that kind of person. And so I go by myself. And that's why I was saying earlier I was like if you're going to Qualcomm, like drop me an email, I will totally have a drink, or meet you at a booth or help you figure out what sewing machine you want, like I am here for it. Like when I go to, especially these bigger quilt shows that are several days long. That's the other thing that I skipped. Qualcomm and international quilt festival are several days long. Could you do the quilt floor in a day? Sure. But then you're probably not going to do any of the lectures or the workshops and vice versa. You can't do everything in one day. So I actually go to like I'm going to quote calm for all four days. And so I'm going to take some lectures, I'm taking some workshops, and then I will be visiting the floor in between all of those things. And it's just more leisurely for me and then you know, as I bump into people, or I, you know, stop by their booths, I'm able to you know, chat and do that. I'm not under any pressure. But then again, you know, this is like, literally my life. So maybe you're not as crazy as I am. And that's totally okay. But I will say it's a chatty group. So while you're standing in line, have a smile on your face and be open To conversations because you'll be amazed at the people that you get to meet. I have like quilty crushes and like, I'm a quality fan girl. But in the grand scheme of the world, quoting celebrities are not necessarily Brad Pitt. So they are actually willing to speak speak to you. And I've made some really great friendships along the way with some of my favorite quilters that I now can call friends, which is really stinking cool. Okay, what should you bring with you? First of all comfy shoes. Okay. I think one of the best things I've read is like right on the international quilt festival. website, it says fashion ends at the ankle. And it's so true, like wear sneakers, wears sneakers, because it's a lot of walking. It's international quilt festival is at the Houston Convention Center. And it's massive, absolutely massive. And you're just gonna be walking and walk in and walk in and standing all day long. There are little rest areas, little sweets to sit in, and charge your phone and whatnot. But for the most part, you're gonna be on your feet. So be comfortable. Okay, bring something to carry all your stuff in. Now, you're not allowed to bring Rolly bags to most cool shows. I know that sounds so extra. But oh my gosh, I usually save a lot of my shopping again, this is so sad for quilt market because you know, wholesale and all that nonsense. But at traditional quilt shows, I usually purchase quite a bit I purchase notions that I want to try out and share with you guys I purchased patterns for you know, new things that are like barely hitting the market because you'll also have the first crack at everything, especially at the bigger quote shows because this kind of like it's like their red carpet. And so you know, fabric lines are debuted, patterns are debuted notions are brought to market for the first time. So it's really the fastest way to get like brand new stuff, which is really, really cool. And also, it'll be demonstrated right in front of you. So like there's no guesswork. There's no like, hmm, that seems interesting. I'm intrigued, but I don't really know how to use it. So I don't know if I want to spend money on it. They will use it in front of you. You'll know you want to spend money on it and you'll spend the money on it. You know, it's that kind of thing. Pardon me. But I would definitely suggest even though you can't bring a Rolly bag, bring some sort of comfortable bag. I bring like a backpack. Or like one of my by Annie's ultimate travel bags, which is like a small duffel kind of thing. But still able to be worn like crossbody like you don't look like a crazy person for wearing it to carry on all my swag. So you'll want to do that. Also, if you have like quilty thing. So like me and my biennis you guys know how I love making my Bayani bags. I use by any bags for everything while I'm there just because I'm like I made this. I am here with my people. I am surrounded by 1000s of my people. Do you check out my stuff. If you've made a quote coach, if you've embroider some cool stuff like this is the time to show off. Because everybody there is gonna love it. Like I guarantee if you wear your coat coat and you're standing in line, people will come over and ask you about it. People will take pictures of it. Like it's just fun. It's so fun to be in a room of other people who just genuinely love the same thing that you love. I'm geeking out guys, I'm geeking out I'm so excited about this topic. Okay, so what can you plan to do? Again? I touched on this a little bit because you know me I ramble. I swear to god guys, I really do create a full outline for every single episode. And then I start talking and this is what happens I'm now like referencing my outline and it's just hilarious because I'm like I talked about that already. I definitely suggest if you have the time and the availability to at least visit a quote show over two days. That way it will allow you to take in a few lectures and or workshops, as well as shop. The worst thing I like I like the fact that I can then leave and go go to lunch, and not think, Oh my gosh, I'm wasting an hour right now. And that will happen if you go for one day. Because you're like, Oh my gosh, there's just too much to see, there's too much to do. Or you'll really be like in a Sophie's Choice kind of a situation, what do I do? What can I prune from the list? And I, I mean, I obviously I'm just obsessive about it all. But don't put yourself in that situation, if you don't have to, if you have to, like by all means boo, boo, like, do what you want to do. cram it all in, go for half a day, leave whatever, totally fine. Also, side note, and I'm just thinking about myself, because of my life situation. Kids are usually not allowed. They are allowed at some shows on the vendors floor. But not usually inside the workshops or the lectures. Usually, I think it's only like breastfeeding children are allowed inside the lectures. Anything beyond that is not, they'll be allowed on this floor. But like, you'll expect to buy like a full price ticket for them to enter. So that is a planning thing. But it also, for me, it's like, Ah, this is like a weekend away. This is like my vacation. And it's kind of nice, you know, kind of nice to have nothing but adult conversations about ourselves and be self absorbed. Because such a large portion of the quilting community, or women that have children that, you know, are going through various stages of life, and it's just nice to be on your own. So how can you participate in a quilt show? One of the biggest ways to participate in a quilt show is to submit a quilt for the gallery. And depending on the clock show, you might get accepted you might not. And that's totally okay. You'll learn a lot too. I have submitted to court shows many, many times, I've only been accepted twice. So and I mean, I think that that's a pretty normal thing. For a lot of quilters you'll hear some of the most amazing cultures of the wrong worlds and say like, I've never been accepted or I've been accepted once or twice. But what I think is amazing is that, especially at the bigger qual shows, they'll send you back Why you weren't accepted. And for me, it's like invaluable information for me as to hone my craft. So I get that information. I'm like, oh, okay, this is where I'm weak. This is a technique I need to work on. This is what they would have preferred to see. I should work on that, which is really cool. And it's like, Okay, so this is like an actual professionals opinion. Cool. Also, it's subjective, totally subjective. So if you are just like, no, that thing was the submitted another time submitted to a different shows administer the same show next year. It's subjective, what one judge doesn't like another will love. Usually like the the technical stuff is pretty, you know, is pretty much the same. But a lot of it is subjective, because it is art. So keep that in mind. But that's one way to participate. Another way to participate is I know quilt con uses volunteers. So I volunteer every year. And you don't have to volunteer a ton you can volunteer like three hours again, this is why it can be so beneficial to go over several days. Because they'll just tell me like what's my time slot and honestly, the volunteers were handing out lanyards were opening and closing doors. I mean, it's not difficult work by any means. But it allows the show to keep running and he usually gets a fun little swag and stuff. So I always volunteer and you'd be amazed at the people that you meet and the volunteer floor. It's pretty cool and I think everyone just kind of does it at this point. Like it's like a pay it forward kind of a thing and it's it's a lot of fun. And last but not least guys. So some of you I know there's I have a great amount of students who are like, I'm here I'm learning but I'm not really gonna participate because I don't want to put myself out there kind of thing and I get it. I know that that I've heard this when I've spoken about guilds You know, people are like, I don't know, I don't want I don't want to walk into a room where I don't know anybody and I get it. One of the amazing things that COVID has done is they've created out of necessity, virtual quilt shows. I attended vert virtual quilt festival in this past spring. I'm gonna, I'm going to be I'm going to lay it out there for you, I'm going to be straight. Is it as cool as real quilt festival? No, it's just, it's just not. There's an energy, there's a vibe, there's a thing about traveling somewhere and being in a room full of other people and, and feeling other people's energy that it's just not there. Okay, but you can in a virtual trunk show or a virtual quilt show rather, you can take lectures, you can take workshops, you can view the quilt gallery, again, the quilt gallery, I think is is something that is a little bit missing in the virtual versions. Yes, you'll be able to see all these amazing quilts and they're spectacular. But there's kind of nothing like standing right in front of a real quilt. You know, it's just different. It hits different if you will. But virtual quilt shows are a thing. So if you maybe want to get your your feet wet. At a more intimate and more intimate scale from the comfort of your home, look up a virtual quilt show. I think you might be really pleasantly surprised. Okay, guys, you have just finished another episode of the stop scrolling start selling podcast. Thanks for hanging out with me and make sure you never miss an episode by hitting subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts to stop scrolling start